Art Collage Benefit Project
March 12, 2021
Coordinated the creation of a art collage based on Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People (1830). Each of the 65 who contributed a square in the collage gave to local organizations in Seattle supporting and providing resources to the homeless during the pandemic.

Mozambique Pre-Natal Care Public Health Education
May 01, 2015
Jimenez collaborated with Dr. Rachel Chapman along with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Mozambique Ministry of Health to promote a particular method to HIV treatment for women with attention to prenatal care known as OPÇÃO B+ (Option B+).

Mountain View Middle School Mural Installation
January 20, 2021
Commissioned by the Mountain View Middle School faculty as an alumnus to create a mural for the main campus.
Created on a 6" x 10" wall space with acrylic paint mural celebrating Filipino Healthcare Workers throughout the last century.

Drawing Out a Cure
January 01, 2016
With a group of students and artists, Jimenez lead a year-long project to create art that encompassed ideas of human anatomy, mobility, and experiences with physical disability. The project was used as a springboard for connecting and engaging with communities disabilities.

Bremerton Manette Bridge Mural Installation
July 15, 2013
Seven mural panels were installed on the wall of Washington Avenue on the west end of the Manette Bridge. The project was a collaboration between local businesses, Steve Priest and his art students, and former Mayor Patty Lent. An outdoor gallery has been recently added on February 2020, serving as an extension to the 2013 mural project.